I remember when I was little, my hair was long, and I winced every time my mom combed my hair after bath time. She didn't use conditioner, so my hair had less tangles, so she used the phrase, "It's painful to be beautiful," a lot when she did my hair. I am happy to report that I won't have to use that phrase on my daughter (at least not after bath time) with the use of Oopsy Daisy! Cutie Pie Curlz leave in conditioner & detangler. This is a super product that will ease the pain of combing after bath time. This is an ALL NATURAL leave in conditioner and detangler. It has a natural essential oil-based scent: sweet pea, grapefruit and lavender. I think it smells so good, and I love it, too! It is recommended for birth and up...so, I can say I can use it, too! I really like that it contains NO parabens, SLS, DEA, formaldehyde, propylene glycol, artificial colors, synthetic fragrances, petrochemicals or harsh preservatives! I can use this on wet or dry hair, which is convenient, too! Oopsy Daisy! also carries other products to help manage hair in a natural and painless way that I would love to try out! I would love to try their High Chair Hair Care! Maddie does wonders with her hair and the mouse made from her food. I would love to see how this product could take that food out, just with some squirts of the shampoo, rub through the hair, and dry. Looks amazing!
Debby DeOliveira, mom of two girls, is the very smart mom who is the creator of Oopsy Daisy! Products! I think she deserves high praise for her efforts and success with Oopsy Daisy products!
Would you like to win your own bottle of Oopsy Daisy! Cutie Pie Curlz (valued at $18.00)? Debby is offering a bottle for a lucky Sassyfrazz reader! This contest is open to all living in the US. Please go to the Oopsy Daisy site, and take a look around. Come back and comment which product looks great to try out. Click here to see how you can earn extra credits to win. Contest will end on August 11th, at 7:00 PM CST.
If you place and order, use the code "tryme" at purchase and get a 15% discount on your order!
The Pip Squeaky Clean. Thanks so much for the opportunity.
planetmisty at gmail dot com
Your button is in my sidebar.
We have a real need for the Oopsy Daisy! Cutie Pie Curlz. My daughter has a very tight curl in her hair and I have tried everything out there. Nothing seems to truly work and I am still searching for that miracle in a bottle - maybe this is it.
The Pip Squeaky Clean for sure.
My niece has curly hair, and she could really use it.
i love to give tthis a try and see how good it works thanks
love the boogie wipes like to try
I would love to try the rise free shampoo! I just don't get where the food goes, lol. I have to try it for myself.
I'd love to try the No Bath Bubble Bath.
Subscribed. Thanks!
The Pip Squeaky clean traditional shampoo and bodywash would be what I would like to try. Thank you for a great givewawy.
Would love to try the Kiddo Kream. My niece is a dry little girl. redhead and dry dry dry. poor thing.
I have added your button here:
Pip Squeaky Clean would be fun to use with the little ones i care for
the oopsy daisy for her curls, and the kiddo cream
I'd love to try the Pip Squeaky Clean.
I would like to try the Cutie-Pie Curlz-Leave in Conditioner/ Detangler.
the Cutie Pie Curlz looks great. thanks for a great giveaway!
No Bath Bubble Bath looks really nice. Thanks for the giveaway, my daughter could really use this!
Love to try Kiddo Kream
boogie wipes. tee hee. I know a little one who could use that. the no bath bubble bath looks nice too.
I would like to try their Pip Squeaky Clean Shampoo & Body Wash!
Ooooh fun! I would love to try the High Chair Hair Care. It could have been created for my twins...Thank you!
Pip Squeaky Clean is good
Heehee! I love the boogie wipes!
Cutie Pie Curlz for us!
I'd love to try the rinse-free shampoo.
The detangler sound great as my girls have LONG hair. But also the Pip Squeaky clean shampoo. Thanks!
Though the detangling products would be most useful (I had to work through some tangles at bathtime just tonight), I also like the No-Rinse Shampoo. This might be a way to avoid a fuss. Thanks!
musesofmegret (at) gmail (dot) com
With two busy kids, 19 months and 8 months, the high chair hair looks like a blessing sent from above!
Pip Squeaky Clean could come in very handy.
The leave in conditioner looks perfect for my daughters long hair! I'm so tired of struggling with her to comb her hair! The all over body moisturizer looks great too.
We desparately need the detangler. My daughter has long hair that loves to tangle.
I love the No Bath Bubble bath.
OH we definately need the detangler over here! The Rinse Free shampoo sounds pretty neat too!
i would like kiddo kream.
The Rinse free Shampoo looks fabulous! Great contest! I have two sons, could really use it!!!
Rinse free shampoo sounds intriquing!
Kiddo Kreme sounds like a fun treat for my girls - although the rinse free products sound intriguing!
I linked :)
I added a button :)
I added you to my Google Reader :)
That High Chair Hair Care sounds perfect for me- my 2 year old has recently taken to smearing food in his hair when we're not looking.
The rinse free shampoo sounds like something we could use.
Want to try Pip Squeeky Clean!
I think I'd like to try the high chair shampoo.
No Bath Bubble Bath sounds great!
I would love to try the high chair shampoo with my little girl, she hates having her hair rinsed!
jandh at myfamilylovesit.com
I would love to try the high chair hair care. SOunds like such a great product! jeepcutie82 at msn dot com
The Cutie Pie Curlz Detangler sounds like my dream product with a daughter who has a full head of long, thick, curly hair, but if I had to pick another favorite, it would definitely be the Kiddo Kream. Sounds like a great moisturizer, and my wee one is currently in love with lotion for some reason :) email: jennae@greenyourdecor.com
I like the sounds of the High Chair Hair Care: Rinse Free Shampoo-we would be using it all the time!
khmorgan_00 [at] yahoo [dot] com
I would love to try this for my daughters. I also like the pip squeaky shampoo. Thank you!
The rinse free shampoo sounds amazing! The youngest still puts food in her hair while eating. I'd love to see how well this works at getting mashed potatoes out.
The High Chair Hair Care is definitely what I would like to try.
We could use this! The Kiddo Kream looks great too!
I'd love to try Pip Squeaky Clean -Traditional Shampoo and Body Wash.
The rinse free shampoo looks great, not just for babies who put food in their hair, but for adults whose babies put food in their (the adults') hair!
urchiken at gmail dot com
The rise free shampoo sounds interesting for kids or adults who are on the go! I have long hair, and the detangler would be good for me to use!
Ok how funny! Boogie wipes! I NEED those! Thanks for a chance to win such a great prize!
And I have your button on my site!
And I am a subscriber? Is there anything else I can do to win this great prize?
The Cutie Pie Curlz Detangler is definitely my first choice, but I'd also be interested in trying the Rinse Free Shampoo for times when my daughter's sticky fingers go through her hair and I don't have the time or energy to go through a whole bath.
I would love to try some boogie wipes. Thanks! Make sure you visit my site I'm giving away a Princess Bracelet on August 9th.
Pip Squeaky Clean
Cutie-Pie Curlz-Leave in Conditioner/ Detangler would be great!
I'd love to have this - and my curly headed girl's name is Daisy!
I'd also like to try the Pipsqueaky Clean. That looked neat.
Pipsqueaky Clean is a must to try!
Lots of things - especially Kiddo Kream.
Boogie wipes.
I would like to try the rinse free shamppo.
Kiddo Kream- Head to Toe Moisturizer
The pip squeaky clean would be something to try for my babies.
Kiddo Kream
Pip Squeaky Clean is my 2nd fav. the first is the featured one!
The High Chair Hair Care (mouthful)sounds amazing...no rinse?! Thanks.
Cutie Pie Curlz-Leave In Conditioner/Detangler would really be perfect for us. I have a 2 year old little girl with curly hair and brushing her hair at any given moment usually turns into a fight. She hates getting her hair brushed because I can't find anything that really works well on curly hair.
I would love to give this a try!!
No bath bubble bath sounds very interesting.
Love Oopsy Daisy! Great give away!
Would definitely like to try the Cutie Pie Curlz-Leave In Conditioner/Detangler.
My 2 year old cousin is adorable she has a head of curlz that are to die for! But I feel sorry for her mother!! This would help them a lot!
Thank you so very much and good luck to all!
High Chair Hair Care sounds incredible!
Thanks for having the giveaway!
This is the product that we need! We actually cut my girl's hair just about all off because it was just getting too traumatic/dramatic.
But who couldn't use some boogie wipes? Heh!
I'd like to try High Chair hair. My daughter's hair tangles so easily so I'd love to try this out.
I'd like to try The Pip Squeaky clean traditional shampoo and bodywash
tiramisu392 (at) yahoo.com
I think the Pip Squeaky Clean -Traditional Shampoo and Body Wash looks great to try out :) *Thanks* for the giveaway!
I subscribe to your feed in Bloglines for an extra entry :)
I like the kiddo kream moisturizer! I have 2 girls with eczema so this would come in handy. Thank you!
Boogie Wipes! How can I resist something called that?!!
lokeelanee (at)netzero(dot)com
The detangler is definitely the one I'd want to try most. I have a curly curly curly haired girl and NEED to do SOMETHING!
Boogie Wipes - the name is too much!
I would love to try the Pip Squeaky Clean! =)
The no bath bubble bath looks interesting
I'd love to try the No Bath Bubble Bath. Thanks
The Boogie Wipes would be great to try!!! Thanks for a great contest!!!
sherri419 at gmail dot com
I like the high chair hair care!! With so many little ones... it's needed ;)
I would love to try the detangler, I really need to find a good one for my daughter.
I would love that Pip Squeaky Clean.
I guess the Pip Squeaky Clean.
The detangler. The no bath bubble bath is cool too, but I have to literally cut the snarls from my daughter's hair sometimes.
I would love to try the detangler.
I would love to try the detangler on my daughters hair, but I am also interested in the rinse free shampoo and body wash. vidomich(at)yahoo(dot)com
I would like to try the Squeaky Clean shampoo. It sounds good.
the Pip Squeaky Clean would be nice :)
I would like to try the detangler. I have naturally curly hair and my son has inherited it. We get lots of knots in our hair.
I would also try the No Bath Bubble Bath - Rinse Free Body Wash for sure!
The Boogie Wipes look interesting - in winter all our noses get chafed and chapped from the constant blowing and wiping - these look like they might help
I would like to try the Kiddo Kream- Head to Toe Moisturizer. Thank you for such a useful giveaway.
I would like to try the Pip Squeaky Clean-Traditional Shampoo and Body Wash. garrettsambo@aol.com
my girls have thick curly hair, and brushing can be a chanllenge at times
The no rinse (high chair hair care and no bath bubble bath) products seem interesting, but as a curly girl I'm most interested in cutie pie curlz.
email: ilikewinningstuff@yahoo.com
Cutie-Pie Curlz-Leave in Conditioner/ Detangler would be a product I would love to try.
the detangler would be great
No bath bubble rinse. thanks, justicecw@hotmail.com
the no bath bubble bath rinse free body wash sounds lovely.
i'm kind of old fashioned and boring. i would like to try the pip squeaky clean - traditional shampoo & body wash.
I would love to try High Chair Hair Care-Rinse Free Shampoo. Thank you for the contest!
I would love to try the Kiddo-Kream
Head to Toe Moisturizer.This is
a very impressive website.Alot
of nice reviews for these products
Please enter me and thanks
I would love to try the Kiddo Kream!
I like the sound of the Kiddo Kream-Head to Toe Moisturizer! Thanks for the giveaway!
Definetly the rinse free shampoo. For those days we're in a bit of a hurry and I don't have time to wash my daughter's hair because 1) she hates getting her head wet, and 2) It takes half an hour to get her out of the tub!
Pip Squeaky Clean would be great to try!
I'd like to try the Head - to - toe moisturizer!
jasonncaryn at yahoo dot com
The Pip Squeaky Clean.
My daughter was blessed with a LOT of hair, but it's not fun at mealtimes lately, because she can't seem to make it through a meal without sticking her messy hands in it. The High Chair Hair Care sounds perfect for us.
I would like to try the rinse free shampoo.
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