Thursday, March 6, 2008

Ultimate Blog Party!

Come Join in on the fun all you ladies~

Ultimate Blog Party 2008Welcome bloggin' Friends! Yeppers, it is the ULTIMATE BLOG PARTY hosted by the wonderful ladies from 5 Minutes for Mom! This is a super fun time to get to know other "LADY" bloggers out there. That is right, this is for woman eyes only!
Happy Panda is coordinating the prize page for's Ultimate Blog Party!

Welcome to my blog! I hope you have fun looking around. I am a Working, but stay at home mom (just not in my home). I bring my little kiddos, Caleb who is 2, and Madelyn who will be one this Sunday, to my friend's home to watch her little girl. I really love children, and I love watching little Claudia and my two play and interact. I also have a son, Nathaniel who is 9. He is in the third grade at the public schools this year. I home schooled him for 3 years. I am married to a wonderful man, Terry. We are going on 4 years of marriage this year! He is a Supervisor at a machine shop, DNR smoke chaser, EMT, fire fighter, and he has some awesome trades under his belt, too...ahem, I do mean work-related: plumbing, electrical, wood flooring, and house remodeling. He is a great husband and father. I am a Christian and I love the Lord! I love spending time with family and friends. I love to sing karaoke, and make cards with rubber stamps. I hope you enjoy looking around my blog. I have many different posts. Welcome to the party! I have some great contest going on, and I am hosting TWO of the prizes for this party. I also have my current contests listed at the top of my main page.

There are so many great prizes offered in this Ultimate Blog Party! I need to list my top 3 favorties (so don't pick them) :)
  1. #1 ~Rocking HorseProvided by: A Rocking Horse To Love: A soft plush Black and White Rocking Horse
  2. #17 ~ Baby Signing Times DVD Set Provided by My Baby Can Talk
  3. #50 ~ 12 Basic Boutique BowsProvided by:

**If these prizes are already awarded, I would be happy to win any of these (not in any particular order): #22, #26, #30, #34, #60, #71, #78, #91, #99...Hey, I would just be happy to win something! Thanks 5 Minutes for Mom for hosting the party!

LET'S P.A.R.T. Y?? Because we HAVE TO!!


Anonymous said...

It's very nice to know you better! I hope you come to do the electric slide with me if you haven't already!! WOOHOO:)

Tonya said...

You're funny! It was great meeting you.

Anonymous said...

Happy Blog Party Week!! Woo hoo I am having so much fun visiting with everyone... it was great to meet you!!

Milk Mama said...

OH I just wrote a long comment to you but it said that it wouldn't post! Grr! Anyhow, I'm partying too this week! :) Happy party going!


Amanda said...

Happy Blog party!

Write From Karen said...

You have a lovely family! It sounds like you keep pretty busy!

Have fun at the party!

Write From Karen

Anonymous said...

Come Party With Me!

Win Chocolates:

Win a handmade pocket place mat:

Join me at A Cup of Joy for Missions Month:

mzzterry said...


You left a comment on my blog, when i clicked here i saw your other page which had tjc, i live very near there, SMALL world we live in!!

Anyway, thanks for stopping by my blog!

Kristin said...

I have been to your blog before! This party is so fun and I liked getting to read a little more about you. *giggle*

Julie Donahue said...

Hello! I think you are my last stop for the night. This party girl is worn out! But there will be more parties tomorrow! Stop by and visit mine when you can.

Shooter said...

I am pleased to meet you :) You have a beautiful blog, and a lovely family. I hope to get to know you better. Stop by and say hello sometime.

Unknown said...

Hi from N Ireland. Lovely to "meet" you.

Have a lovely party :)

I make cards too, but mostly with digital scrapbooking.

Marcia said...

Happy Birthday Madelyn!! I've visited your blog before but figured I'd pop back in and say hello!

Suz said...

Hi! My name is Suzanne. I have checked out your blog a few times previously and wanted to introduce myself.

Anonymous said...

So nice to meet you - thanks for having me over - I am also a Team Mom member. Small world, huh. Have a great week!

Kindra-At Home With K said...

I'm joining the party! What a great blog you have! And beautiful family.

Unknown said...

I love your simple blog template, very nice.

It's great to meet you through the party. You look familiar but I don't think we've ever crossed paths...

Happy Blog Party!!
p.s. beautiful family!

Christi S said...

I've been by before, but it is always nice to visit you again! :D Thanks for hosting giveaways as well!

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for stopping by! Great party post you have here. Good luck in the prize drawing. I begin drawing in one more day! Happy blog hopping.

Anonymous said...

Happy Blog Party! You have a great blog here! I hope to come back to see what is going on, often!

Un-Domestic Mama said...

Cool Party! Love your site. Thanks for hosting!
I wanted to invite you over to my blog if you get a chance.
Happy blogging!

lace said...

Just stopping by for a little party. Have a great time partying

Mrs.Naz@BecomingMe said...

I'm still reading blogs from the party. There are so many of them. I hope you enjoyed blog hopping. Your kids are darling.