Sunday, September 14, 2008

Getting up-to-date on things...

I have officially signed up with facebook. I think it is a lot of fun already! I thought blogging was addictive, now I am searching for friends from my youth, high school, and college! It is so fun and I highly recommend it! It is fun to see how people have changed over the last 10-18 years! I hope to find more of my friends!

Friday night, I went to Ladies Night Out. It was so much fun! I so much look forward to going once a month! We did have such serious talking this time, so we did have to bust out the Quelf game to get the giggles rolling. I read a card wrong~ I simply blame the pregnancy~ but the word was abracadabara! It was in all caps, so because I am pregnant and I was extremely tired for some reason I read it as Barrak-a-bra! I had to say this word, while twirling my hands above my head, every time someone picked up a new card. So, my friends thouroughly enjoyed laughing hysterical at me we got some laughs from that error. We were out so late this time, and I think we hit a record. We left the church at 2:15 AM. My sweet hubby let me sleep in on Saturday, so that was a huge blessing!

Saturday, Terry was going to go work on a model layout for trains for an upcoming train show, and I got to go see my dear friend! I was so excited to see her! We haven't seen each other since July, and that is too long! It was so great to reconnect again! Our kids had a great time playing together, too. Another great thing is, she is the mom to two of my nieces, so I got to see them, too! They are growing up so much! The oldest is a senior this year (hard to believe) and the other one is in 10th grade. It is exciting to see them grow up, but I am sad, too. I used to change their diapers. :)

Today, we went to church. Terry was going to go into work, but he decided he would rather stay home. He got a lot of work done here, he was really happy he chose to be home. He switched out one of our garage doors, and he insulated more in our store. We had a yummy supper with steaks, baked potatoes and gazed baby carrots. It was a great day, and we had a ton of rain! Plus, I got hooked on facebook, and I am reconnecting with friends! :)


Alicia @ said...

Okay you are the second blogger I have read about this week who has gotten the facebook "bug!!" My cousin told me just two weeks ago that I must open up an account for it, she said its great!! I am still thinking about it!

Sounds like you had a great time with friends, I laughed when I read that you said that word, thats just too funny and yes blamming it on pregnancy is not a far fetched bet that thats what did it!! ;)

Grandma J said...

I guess I shoulda drove by the church. We went and ate at Applebees after visiting because we hadn't had supper yet. We got back to Princeton around 1am if I remember correctly, I figured you guys were pretty much on your way out the door by then. Oh well, we'll do it next month.

Anonymous said...

I love facebook, it is so much fun and I have connected with so many friends from HS that I had lost contact with. Glad you had a fun girls night out, I love those nights!