Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Caleb is on another funny kick

Caleb said such a funny statement today!

We were in the van, and I was eating my granola bar. Caleb asked to have a bite, so I gave him a bite. Then, I was drinking my water out of my nalgene bottle. Caleb said, "Mom, you shared your granola bar with me, and you can share your water." I told him that he had his own water to drink. Then he said, "I know, I was just saying that you shared your granola bar, and if you can share your water. Now we are becoming friends!"

I think those two things are so funny!! "I was just saying...." and the "now we are becoming friends!" He is such a funny little guy.


Qtpies7 said...

What a goofball! Sam said something pretty funny tonight, too. Mom will blog it tomorrow, I'm sure.

jpandtheboys said...

It's amazing how grown up they sound when they talk!! How cute. What a guy!

Anonymous said...

You gotta love the way their minds work!

Alicia @ said...

That is so adorable!! I love the way their little minds think!

Milk Mama said...

OH my gosh! What a sweetheart! :D That's so darling! I love what little kids say lol! :D

Oh my gosh, I can't believe that Maddie is almost 18 months old now! I simply don't believe it!!! And only 19 pounds! Oh she is a little peanut for sure! ;D