- Compact and lightweight
- Easy to fold and carry
- Perfect for taking to grandparents, friends and restaurants
- Quick & Easy
- Snaps-on chair in seconds
- Engineered to improve chair stability
- Holds up to 300 lbs (Ages 20 mo. to 6 yrs)
- Stays attached even when chair is moved
- Snaps-on chair in seconds
- No assembly required
- Non-slip, won’t scratch floors
- Grips chair legs firmly into place
I completely promote the Kaboost and I think it is a superb product!! Really, I think everyone with kids should have one!
Guess what? You can buy a Kaboost for $39.95 from a location listed, or you can try to win one from my blog! Kaboost has offered to give a Kaboost to one of my readers! Here are the rules:
1. Go to the Kaboost website : here, and check out this great product.
2. Come back here and tell me (in the comments) how you could benefit from owning a Kaboost.
3. Sign up for my feed for a second entry.
4. Post about this contest on your blog for another entry! Please comment with each try!That is it! Contest will be open until January 31st at 7:00 PM (CST). I will announce the winner sometime on the first of February! This contest is open to addresses in the United States of America. I am sorry that I can't afford shipping everywhere. If you want to pick up the postage, I will mail outside the USA. Thanks for stopping by! Thanks Kaboost for the opportunity to review this great product and for sponsoring the giveaway!
"I think this would be great for any of my last 4 kids! It doesn't take up any extra space, either, so it is perfect!"J.L.B Congratulations!
Oh, I'd love this for my son. :)
I have just recently found out about the Kaboost....What a genius idea! I bet this would make for a much more peaceful dinner time for our family...Is there a better benefit than that? LOL! Thanks for the chance to win one!
I've heard about this booster! It would work well for our dining room table & son. Plus, we often have friends over with little ones and don't have any high chair or other booster to offer them in a pinch.
Thanks for the giveaway!!
I would LOVE to win one!
I blogged you too
this would be great for kiddos too big for a high chair but still too small to reach the table on their own!
Hello, I have been trying to win one of these wonderful inventions on a few sites. Maybe, I will be the lucky one this time. The fact that it helps chair stability is one factor I really like. I also like it it boosts the younger child up to the level of the other family members. Thanks,Cindi
we have been wanting one of these since our family is vertically challenged.
I've never liked traditional booster seats either. This looks so much safer!
My 2 year old son is getting old enough where he doesn't need to be in the booster chair anymore, but still can't reach the table without being on his knees. I'd love this for him. Then I could take my daughter out of the highchair and put her in the booster!
the 3 year old sits on a stool on the chair right now. I bet she would love to be able to sit on the chair and be up high like everyone else.
I would love to try this with my toddler...not a booster kind of girl!!
What an awesome idea and a wonderful giveaway! I would love to win one for my daughter. Thanks so much.
Thanks, Michelle
What a cool invention! Count me in!
I'd love to use it to boost my daughter's chair to the bar level!!
My four-year-old son is a bit, as we call "vertically challenged" and although he would love to sit in a regular chair without a booster he is just too short to reach the table well. The kaboost would be great for him.
I have tried to win this everywhere - it would be perfect for my son who is not quite tall enough for the table...thanks!
I would love one! I could have a seat for the grandkids but I wouldn't have to use up a ton of storage when they are not here. And I love how it fits any size chair.
I blogged you: http://bringyourowncheese.blogspot.com/2008/01/great-contest.html
I love, love the idea of the Kaboost! I hate how food gets under our booster seats and to clean it you have to take it off and then reconnect it. When do I discover this? When I take the seat off for adults who come over, then I have to scrub and scrape the cemented leftovers off the seat....
Kaboost, I'd love your product forever and ever! I would even keep it for grandkids that are probably only a few years away for me!
I blogged you, too. http://qtpies7-goodstuff.blogspot.com/2008/01/mondays-good-stuff.html
My family could definitely benefit from the Kaboost because having my son sit at the table in a "big boy" chair, rather than a high chair would not only boost his confidence but make him feel special. We could even travel with the Kaboost very easily so he can sit in the same chairs at Nana and Papas house.
My son gave up his booster seat way before he was really big enough to reach the table so this would have been very helpful.
I'd love to win one of these, my tiny little baby girl absolutely refuses to do highchairs or boosters now that she's nearly 2 - but even kneeling she can't see her plate, so this would be perfect, I love how it can be easily taken with you too!
this would be so good at grandmother's house - I like how it adjusts to fit any chair
I would love to try one of these. My daughter's legs are getting too long for the kind that sits atop the chair so the kaboost would be a huge improvement. Thanks!
We would love to have a Kaboost for our 5 yr old! She is petite and still has to use a booster to reach the table, but being in Kindergarten, she really hates feeling like a "Baby" when her friends come over and see the booster - it would be great for her selfesteem!
I've been trying to win one of these for months! My son is 18 months and already doesn't want to sit in his high chair. With Kaboost he can sit in a real chair like us
This would be wonderful for my oldest. He is 4 years old and still needs a booster seat thanks to our table being so high. This would allow him to be free of that and up at the table.
I just signed up for your feed too :)
What a GREAT idea! Would love to try this out!
I could benefit from this by NOT having to have some horridly ugly High chair cluttering up my already TOO SMALL dining room!
This would be better for us than our booster because food gets stuck between the chair and the booster seat and makes a mess!
ce613 at hotmail dot com
I would love this for my little one so he could feel like a "big boy" and sit at the table with the rest of us.
I would love a booster seat, because I'm tired of my kids falling out of their chairs.
I blogged here http://www.freewebs.com/shaythatcher/myblog.htm
My daughter loves to sit in Mommy or Daddy's chair, but she's not quite big enough to reach the table without sitting on her knees. The Kaboost would help satisfy her need to be a big girl while also addressing the safety issue of sitting in a big chair.
I keep trying to win one of these. How did you get Kaboost to give you one?
Lets see, I would love one to be able to move the high chair into storage. We have a small place and this would take care of two birds with one stone. We get the boy to the table where he wants to be, and we take back some space.
jbubolz-miller@hotmail.com I like the higher weight capacity, our boy is at the top of the weight height chart and he outgrows everything quickly. our graco stroller has been outgrown- thank goodness for jogging strolers!
I could use because I am expecting my 5th child in August and my next youngest won't even be 2 years old. She definitely will need a higher chair once the baby uses the highchair.
I just think this is a great alternative to booster seats. Since they fit on most chairs, it could be used at the table or on a bar stool.
The Kaboost would really help my kitchen chairs from being scratched from the straps. I love how the Kaboost "boosts" from the bottom of the chair instead with no straps. It's great.
this is a brilliant product! my daughter is using one of those lame portable booster seat things that you have to clip onto the chair... I would LOVE a kaboost instead!
these are awesome!! this would be great for dinner out with friends!!
thanks so much!!
Love the stability the Kaboost has!! It's amazing!
I love that it's portable! Perfect even at Grandma's!!
My baby loves everything that makes her one of the big kids, so using a big chair would be perfect!
I could absolutely love this!! My husband is so obsessed with designer chairs that we can't afford, that I sat on the floor all through my pregnancy and nursing. Finally we have some chairs for our table that he finds tolerable and this could let our littlest sit with us!!!
I love that it makes the chair more stable - our chairs are all old and wobbly and I cringe every time my son goes near them!
I too have the fear of the booster seat sliding all over. Whether we sit in a booth or at a table in a restaurant I am always worried that my daughter is going to slide right under the table or crash over to the side because the booster is not secure. I would love to win this!
Blogged the contest at:
Where was this awesome idea when I had little kids? I mean, my youngest is only nine! This is such a wonderful, unique idea!
This would be one less thing to buy and store, since it takes up such little space
mom2maria at hotmail dot com
I would LOVE one of these - my son is just about ready to move out of the hi-chair and the thing I love about this is that it takes up basically ZERO space and i love the fact that it stays attached even when chair is moved!!
I also blogged about it here: http://www.jonathanandandrea.blogspot.com/2007/09/countless-contests.html
Blogged the contest for second entry:
I also blogged about it here: http://www.jonathanandandrea.blogspot.com/2007/09/countless-contests.html
For 2nd entry!
My dd#2 wants to do everything just like dd#1 and refuses to sit in a booster so this would REALLY help me to get her to be able to eat comfortably without compromising her big girl status.
I reeeeally, reeeeally want to win a KABOOST! With an 11 month old and another baby due in June, this is a great way to avoid having to purchase another high chair. We'd love our daughter to be able to sit with us at the table like a big girl. Cheers!
disarray [at] onebox [dot] com
This would be a fabulous addition to our house!! My 22 month old is always wanting to be just as the rest of us and will fight tooth and nail to sit in just the chair. This would totally make him one happy little dude. Might even make the rest of the crew a bit happier (LOL)!!
I have a grandson who needs this.
I could use this since my daughter thinks she's too big for a booster seat! THanks for the chance to win.
amyjohnallen at bellsouth dot net
My boys think they are too big for boosters, so this would be a great addition to our dinner table!
I think it a great benefit that it boosts the child up to the level of others at the table, my granddaughter could really use one of these!
My high chair is dying, so I would love to have this for son #1, then I could move son #2 into son #1's current booster seat!
This would sure beat hauling even a portable high chair to my in-laws house. We have the first grandkid... don't they think maybe they should invest in some grandbaby gear so we don't have to haul ALL his stuff every time we come visit (an 8 hour trip)
Thanks for the offer!
teacherkrista at gmail dot com
I like that this is so compact. My sister has a booster seat that just sits on the chair. The kaboost would grow with the toddler and it's portable.
Taowyn (at) gmail (dot) com
This would make dinner way less of a pill than it is with the booster seat!
scarlett [dot] lettered @gmail.com
I think this would be great for any of my last 4 kids! It doesn't take up any extra space, either, so it is perfect!
This is the first I am hearing of this divine invention. I so need one. My three year old is on the small side and refuses to sit in the highchair and more and is still too small to reach the table. She has fallen off the chair a couple times trying to reach things on the table. I love the fact that it is portable and I could take it anywhere we go for family parties she'd really feel included at the table then. Plus it means less washing, no washing the booster seat itself, the chair it sits on for those small spills and less clothes washing from sitting on those pooled drops on the booster seat.
I think the Kaboost is such a great idea. We've been using an old yard sale chair under my daughter's booster seat since so many crumbs (and worse) get stuck under it. It is so gross and I've love to have her join the family on the "real" chairs!
I would love for my daughter to sit a "real" chair with Mommy and Daddy instead of her yucky (and broken) booster seat. She would feel so grown up!
What an awesome product! I would LOVE to get rid of our booster chair. It scratches our wood chairs, and like you mentioned, that disgusting leftover food under it makes me want to hurl!
This is such a clever invention! This would save TONS of scarping that yucky old and dried food from every nook and cranny of my kitchen and from all those weird notches in my daughter's high chair tray like a lot of the posters mentioned. I also love how it works with regular chairs so I can have one less bulky baby item in my home. This is also such fun with three color choices! That green--how festive! Thank you for hosting such a cool giveaway.
My 2-year-old is starting to refuse to sit in her booster - she wants to sit in a 'big' chair like her sisters do. This would be awesome to solve the problem of how to keep her from spilling so much!
I'm linking to you in my contest round-up today as well... :)
AMAZING! I need this for our house!
dansan826 at yahoo
This would be great to win as I have three that sit in boosters and one in a high chair.
I blogged your contest on this post:
This looks like a great alternative to booster seats that get messy and are hard to get in and out of.
I love that since it is your own chair it blends beter with the decor, but I really like yourcomment about no yucky old food found later under a booster chair. YUCK!
I could definitely use this - my kiddo refuses to sit in a booster seat but will sit in a big chair, on his knees, to eat! Thanks for the giveaway.
I would love to win this product - my son is hating his booster chair these days, but he is still too small to sit at a regular chair, sot his would come in super handy!
mountainrailway at gmail dot com
Kaboost would be so handy, especially when number 3 gets to the booster cahir stage. I can move number one to the kaboost, rather than have three booster seats at the table.
I think this would be awesome cause frankly high chairs are ugly and take up too much space.
I could so use this for my tot! It would be nice for him to leave the high chair behind and join us at the table. This would also be great for traveling.
we go out to eat a lot, so i think this would become our favorite new gadget! the chairs are never high enough!
That booster seat is SO cool!!! My son makes the biggest mess in his booster seat and it gets so gross. That would be awesome to own! Thanks so much for having this contest. Your children are adorable. It's nice to "meet" you! I'm totally adding you to my feed.
This would be a wonderful item to have when my granddaughter comes to visit. She would think that she's a big girl now with it. please enter me in. thanks
I've heard so many great things about Kaboost! i have a 2 year old son that gets his booster chair so messy and I'm so tired of cleaning every nook and cranny. I would love to be able to get him used to sitting in a big boy chair and then just wipe down the chair real quick!
I love that I can take it with me when i want!
i would definately take that out to eat
I love this product! It looks so much safer than the booster seats you have to strap to a chair seat.
This is so neat. Thanks
I recently saw this product and thought--I need this for my 3 year old who keeps falling off his chair because he want to sit on a "big boy" chair, but has to be on his knees to reach the table.
My three year-old nephew is coming to visit and we could really use this, since he is beyond needing a high chair, but still can't reach the table. I would love to be entered in your giveaway.
michelle (at) northofthe49 (dot) com
I saw this somewhere else on the web, and would love to try it. My alost 2yo is starting to prtest the booster seat, but our chairs just aren't tall enough to reach. This would be perfect.
We don't have much space in our kitchen and have been trying to get rid of the high-chair. My son is getting too big for it anyway. This booster sounds great!! I alreayd subscribe to your feed...does that qualify me for a 2nd entry? :) Thanks!
Oh wow! This is sooo cool! I really need one because I have a booster seat that is *always* falling off the chair because it is bigger than my chair. Also, the seat in the booster seat keeps coming off too! I would *greatly* benefit from owning one! Thank you for a chance to win.
When we have family or friends over with smaller children, I would love to have one of these on hand for them! Thanks very much! Cindi
I'd love to try it out!
What a great idea. We could really use this in our house. Enter me please.
What an awesome idea! I am not too fond of our current booster seat as it does not take long for the kids to get too big for it and knock their knees against the table yet they are still to short to not need a booster.
Well, it's certainly a space saver! And safe - with two rambunctious boys running around, I like the stability of it! Thanks for the great prize!
I love that I wouldn't have to buy a booster seat!
We're planning to take my son on his first transatlantic flight and this will be of great use during the journey. And at the destination as well since his grandparents live in a small village and I don't think i will find a highchair or something similar there.
callmeabookworm at gmail dot com
I really hope I win. Just yesterday my husband tried to convince me to do away with the booster seat. I don't think my son is quite read for that. However, he wants to sit in the regular chair and this product might be just the thing!
Have fun with all the contests!
This would be great for my son. He is too big for a booster now but not quite high enough to reach the table so he is always sitting on his knees.
Thanks for entering us.
I could benefit because my daughter is too wiggley for a regular booster seat. They are too unstable!
Please enter me also, thank you.
It would be great to put that huge high chair away! I keep tripping over the legs (since they're splayed out for stability).
great contest - count me in!! The kaboost would be better than the unstable chair we have now - if he leans forward and no one is there, he cuold easily fall off ..and thats not good..so i'd love to win thsi product
I would love this because then all the little kids that come over here to eat would have something to boost their chair up. I think it would be really cool.
I could benefit from the Kaboost because I have daughters who are 3 years apart, and the younger wants to be just like the older one. She would just about pee her pants if she were just as tall at the tabl as her sister was.
I have been DYING to try these. With two kids in high chairs - and restaurants that don't ever seem to have enough - this would be awesome.
I'm due in a few weeks w/my 2nd child and could really use a new/better booster seat!
My short son would feel like one of us with this!
Great giveaway! Count me in.
Thanks for this great giveaway!
This is the coolest prize EVER!!! This would be so great for daughter who sits so low, likes to hide under the table cloth! What a difference this would make for our meal time!!!
I would like a Kaboost because I want my son to eat at the table with us. I think it is important not to separate him at mealtimes and what better way than with one of our dining room chairs. This is a really fantastic product from what I've read. I blogged about the contest here: http://jasonncaryn.blogspot.com/2008/01/cool-contests-of-week_27.html
How do I subscribe to your feed?
What a great product!!! It would be so nice to have something so portable... so that no matter where you were going to eat you'd have something to make sitting at the table possible for my toddler!
I babywear so I don't have a stroller to sit him in, this would be perfect!
andrewandbecca at yahoo dot com
I love that my munchkin can sit at the table with us with a Kaboost1
I think this is such a cool invention - why can't I think of these things??
I like the fact that it lifts AND stabalizes the chair. Wonderful!!
this is great for the toddler!
This would be great for my three year old since she refuses to use a booster seat but just isn't tall enough for a regular chair yet. Great product! Thanks for sharing it!
cool. I'd never heard of this before. I'm sure this babe in my belly will want to sit at the table like her big sis and big bro.
This would make dinner time so much easier. I could get rid of my high chair!!!
Wow. Such a cool product! How I wish I had one of these 7 kids ago!! Gotta try this contest thing. :-)
Oh, Wow...this would be a dream in our house. our boys are slipping off the booster seats at the dinner table on a nightly basis. Once the chair even tipped over backward with my son in it because he was trying to push away and the booster seat got stuck under the table. PLEASE...sign me up.
We don't have a lot of room, so I like the way this goes under a chair.
This would be perfect for us. My Three year old is still in a high chair because we haven't found a booster seat that is adjustable.
Oh my goodness...I have never seen this before! What an awesome product. My daughter is too small to sit in the big chair, but hates sitting in a booster and she always seems to fall getting in and out of her booster. This would be great!
I would love to try this with my son. Thanks for the chance to win!
I could benefit from this, as would my kitchen. The chocolate Kaboost would look much nicer at my table than the atrocious high chair. What a nice idea!! I would also take this to restaurants, because their boosters are a little gross!
This would be great for grandma's house. My toddler doesn't like her high chair there anymore but she's too short for the table.
This would be great instead of the ugly booster that we have now.
What a cool product -- I've never heard of it before. How could we benefit from owning one? Three kids under the age of five. Enough said! :) mlciavola(at)yahoo(dot)com.
Never seen this before, but what a great idea. I sure hope I win!
What a great idea! My son would think it was so cool to sit in the regular chair like a big boy!
It would be great for my daughter who is getting to big for the high chair but can't reach the table. Enter me please. katie_mmartin@yahoo.com
I love this idea! I could use it when my niece comes!
Great giveaway! Sign me up please!
( :
How can I benefit? I've got seven children two are still using booster seats and one in a high chair. This would get plenty of use at our house!
We're currently trying for a baby (have been for over 2 years now), so any little bit I can add to our baby stash is excellent!
My almost five year old is a bit of a peanut. This would be great so he doesn't have to sit on a booster and still feel like a little kid.
This is just what we need to bring the grandkids to the adults table. What an exceptional invention and what a great giveaway.
this would be awesome for my lil boy
This would be great for my lil man. I always worry about him sliding out of the traditional boosters!
We have a tiny kitchen, and our daughter's high chair takes up too much space. A Kaboost would be a big help! Thanks for the contest.
This is such a great idea!
I have a 3 year old boy who is on the small side, so I can see this getting a ton of use. In fact, at just 4 ft 6 myself, *I* may even use it! ;)
Hmm - my daughter can't use regular booster seats - because she always falls on the floor. It's quite tramatic for her mother, so we could definitely use this. She's getting bigger but her little brother could use it. Thanks
This would be great for my grandchildren! Thanks for the great giveaway!
I've seen a review of this before and it looks like a great product. Thanks!
I have seen this product and it is pretty cool.
taowyn (at) gmail (dot) com
I love it!! I want a chocolate one!
Such a sensible product!
I just saw these in cookie! My 5 year old daughter is too big for a booster, but still a bit too short to be without one! What to do??? These seem like the perfect solution!
I could use this for our friend's kids.Please enter me! ernestsgirl82@yahoo.com
We have two ruined kitchen chairs from boosters scratching the finish off. I'd love to gift this to my sister so she could avoid having this happen to her.
This would be great going to all the grandmas' houses.
i absolutely love not having to mess with straps!!
This would be great for my independent but tiny two year old who makes me so nervous when she's in a chair. I like how it aids in stability of the chair.
I love this. We could benefit because it seems convenient. I can actually bring it with me and it is more compact than a traditional high chair.
Thanks for the great contest and Good Luck Everyone :)
It is convenient and saves the battles over sitting in the booster seat.
What a great product - please include me in your giveaway.
My sister would love it for her little one since her kitchen is small.
I would love to use this for my little one, when he gains just a few more pounds~;-)
This would be great for eating at a restaurant! No more booster chair or low high chair nightmares! :D
This would be perfect for my 3 yr old! He hates booster seats, but isn't quite tall enough to see his plate when sitting in a regular chair! Please pick me! Thanks!
This product would definitely help save space in my dining room.
I have never heard of such a thing...Great gadget! My 2yr old insists on sitting in a big person chair but is always standing up because she can't reach! This is a great idea!
I love this product too. Please enter me.
Oh great product. This would be great not only around the house, but easy to take with your to friends' houses, to make their seats high enough. :)
Thanks for the chance to win! :)
adashofsassitude (at) gmail (dot) com
I signed up for your feed, too. :)
I would benefit because my oldest is really small for his age and thinks he is "too big" for a booster seat, he wants to sit in a "normal" chair, this solution would allow him to do so, but still be tall enough to reach the table, Thanks!
kpuleski at gmail dot com
This is great! I love that the paint on my chairs would no longer be chipped off by a hard plastic seat. It also looks to easy to store. Thank you!
I would love to get this for one of my sister-in-laws, they all have young kids, or my really close friend who just had a baby, or. . .I guess I'll have to wait and see if I win before I worry about deciding who gets it!
Great item! We would love to have it because my oldest child is in the stage where he is just a big too big for a regular booster and too small to eat comfortably in a regular chair.
I need this for my 4 yr old. He doesn't want to sit in a booster chair cause they are for babies! This would be great!
Very nice giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win as it would be perfect for my young grandchildren.
I would love to be entered in your giveaway! :) Thank You. :)
count me in
I love Kaboost - and have been meaning to get one - I could use it b/c my 2 year old wants to "BE BIG" all the time now and this would help!!
That would be so awesome. Right now our youngest sits in a high chair cause he's still to small for a booster seat. This would help him be able to be with us at the dinner table!
Our youngest DD doesn't like the high chair ... this sounds like a great alternative!
Omg, I would love this. Our three kids are all in booster seats right now, but they don't always like to sit in them, and they are yucky and dirty and blah. This looks AWESOME and just what we need. Thanks and please enter mine too!
This would be great for my toddler who is too small for a regular chair and too big for a high chair! What a great idea!
I've already got one and we LOVE it! But I have four boys and would love another!
Great giveaway! Would love to win! My son is just moving out of his high chair to a big boy chair!
That would be great! Not having to clean the crevices of the booster! Just wipe the regular chair just like everyone else's! Count me in!
I love this idea. I love that it is easy to take somewhere.
I saw these the other day and was in awww. I have twin 3 year olds and they will no longer sit in their booster seats. This would be great for them.
So cool. My little one would love to be a big person too! This would help!
This is great! Count me in too :)
It would be a great help to me and the little girl I watch would feel apart of the table during lunch time!
I would love to have this to take to grandma and grampa's house. Enter me please!
This would be great for my son who is independent-minded.
This would be great because then my little guy wouldn't feel the need to be on his knees in his chair!
This would be so perfect for my 18 mo. old at Grammies house where we always struggle with the chair thing!
would love to win... thanks :)
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