Caleb has been doing an awesome job the last few days with his journey to being diaper free! When Grandma was here the weekend of November 7-9, they were working on potty training. She had pull-ups, underwear, skittles, etc. After a weekend of trying, he did succeed to go on Sunday night when we got home. So, with celebrating, she treated him to Dairy Queen.
Well, after that weekend he hasn't really shown interest, until this weekend. Saturday, he wanted to wear the pull-ups. He did go on the potty chair, too! WOO HOO~ we really praised him for that! Today, with being home, we are really working on it. He wanted a pull-up on right away this morning. Guess what? Still dry! Yeah Caleb!! He has gone potty 4 times! Still waiting for the solid waste, and we are hoping he can do it on the chair. Keep it up young man! I am cheering you on! He just woke up from his nap with a DRY pull-up! Then, he went into the bathroom (without me asking) and tried to go. That is such a great thing! What a big boy!
I told him this morning that if he kept his pull-up dry all day, we would take him to the DQ tonight. Let's see if he can do it!
Oh how I hate potty training.... But it sounds like your little guy is getting it! that's great! I wish my daughter would! :) She's been back and forth, good days and not-so-good. She will be 3 in january, so its not the end of the world. It sure is tougher when you have another little one, though! I can't always drop what I am doing and take her when she asks!
This is great news Sarah!! Its always so much easier and better when THEY are interested in it!! I hope to hear that you all get to go to DQ tonight!! :-)I'd be pullin for him too...I love DQ!!! LOL Not to freak you out, and I am sure you already know (you are a seasoned mom afterall!) but he might digress a bit when baby comes, but he will get back to it!
Way to go, Caleb!!! Hip Hip Hooray!!! Keep up the great work. You really are a BIG BOY!
I am still waiting for Charlie to be interested in it! I am hoping soon! Great job Caleb...tell him Charlie's mommy is proud of him.
BTW - I updated the link to your website and it came up with the same date...Wonder if you changed something on your blog at that time and that is why it continues to come up with that...I know Jeannie has the same issue.
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