"It's a 'Hare' raising Easter Adventure! It's Easter time in Crisper County and cable news reporter Marlee Meade (Petunia Rhubarb) is hunting for a way to help others. On a tip that the old town theater will be shut down, Marlee cooks up a plan to save the stage and make a difference through the power of musical theater. With a cast of costume-clad townies, massive props and a 20-foot robot rabbit - Up With Bunnies is hatched! There's only one thing missing the star of the show! When news spreads that singing sensation Cassie Cassava (Melinda Doolittle) is arriving to perform in her hometown church s Easter service, Marlee gets worried. Concerned about the competition, she schemes to steal the starlet for her own pageant! But when things go haywire, will it be curtains for Marlee s dreams or will she discover the true meaning of Easter and what helping others is really all about?"
'Twas the Night Before Easter, is a story about helping others and working together. Marlee Meade really wants to help her community and make a difference. Leaving her reporter job, she decides to take on running a musical theater production. My son's favorite part of 'Twas the Night Before Easter was when the 20 foot robot rabbit went 40 miles per hour to be on time. :)
"Up With Bunnies," the musical play ends up a fun show. Cassie Cassava (voiced by American Idol finalist Melinda Doolittle) was coming back to town. She is quite the singer, and Marlee Meade knows it, so she hatches a plan to get Cassie to perform. Things don't go as planned for Marlee, though, however, she learns the true meaning of Easter as well as what it really means to help others.
"The Hopperena" is a new VeggieTales song, and my kids loved it. Another fun bonus feature on the DVD is the "Easter Cards" interactive matching game. You can choose the Audio Commentary while you watch the DVD which explains details of the DVD, and there is also Larry's backstage pass to "VeggieTales Live!"
My kids loved this DVD, and really enjoyed the classic VeggieTales humor.
One of the special features in this video is the information about VeggieTales teaming up with World Vision. This is the ultimate way of helping others - helping those less fortunate. As a little extra incentive for people to sponsor a child, VeggieTales is offering a special Veggie Tales book library worth $50 free with a sponsored child.
VeggieTales launched their new website this week, as well! Check it out here: VeggieTales.comhttp://veggietales.com/
Another TV classic show remastered, Here Comes Peter Cottontail, is perfect for Spring and Easter time. Peter Cottontail wants to be the #1 Chief Easter Bunny and everyone in April Valley agrees...except for his archrival, evil Irontail. Hop along with Peter and his friends as they race through time celebrating all of your favorite holidays to deliver the most eggs...and save Easter for children everywhere!
Currently available for $9.98 SRP
You can win the new VeggieTale's DVD: 'Twas the Night Before Easter.
To enter: Do you have a family tradition that you do for Easter, or spring with your family? Comment on something you do together with your family for Easter/Spring.
**For extra chances you can: Become a Google Friend Follower (see right side bar on my blog) **2 entries, leave 2 comments,
blog this contest, add my button to your site, subscribe to my blog, follow Sassyfrazz on twitter (if you tweet this contest use the hash tag #sassyfrazz), and/or become a fan on facebook, and/or visit everyday and comment on another one of my blog posts (leave a comment letting me know what you commented on). Lots of chances to win! Don't forget to put the extra comments for the "extra" work. Good luck!**
Contest will end Sunday, March 27th, 2011 at midnight.
For even more chances to win, like VeggieTale's facebook page, and tell them that you heard about the new DVD release ('Twas the Night Before Easter) on the Sassyfrazz blog...AND thank them for the opportunity to win the new DVD!
I will contact the winner by e-mail and they will have 3 days to claim their prize, and at that time...if no response, I will have the option to pick a new winner.
I received the DVD 'Twas the Night Before Easter from VeggieTales for review purposes, and I was given a second copy to giveaway to one of my readers. I was not compensated for my time or written review. This posting is opinions of my own.
My favorite family tradition around Easter is braiding palm branches. It was always a time to spend with family hearing my Dzia-dzia tell stories about when he came to the United States.
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I liked Veggie Tales on Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/veggietales?ref=ts&sk=wall#!/veggietales) and commented on their post about the DVD.
Something we do together for Easter is go to church, for sure! We go to all the local Easter egg hunts for the fun of it (plus momma likes her chocolate;) ). We usually cook a special meal and explain the meaning of Easter, that it's not all about some rabbit that hides candy filled chicken eggs.
I'm a google friend follower. Awww, we're the only ones! I feel special ;)
oh, that google friend followe addition was worth two enteries. Sweetness!!
Another comment: we have watched every single Veggietales cartoon, EVER. Did you know to buy the Big Idea library is $694?
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We typically find some time to spend celebrating the Lenten season, wake up to loud music blaring at sunrise, make the "empty tomb" crescent rolls, and enjoy a time of worship together.
This year we're reading through "Amon's Adventure" as a family as well.
paschott [at] gmail [dot] com
We have a tradition of making resurrection cookies. Great giveaway, thanks for hosting!
commented about the duluth trip where caleb is playing with the water spouts
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Saturday is coloring eggs. Sunday church and then home to hide and find eggs.
We celebrate with church, candy, egg coloring, and a big dinner.
lazybones344 at gmail dot com
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we do an easter egg hunt w/ our community.
We always color eggs and have a Easter dinner with the family!
stroker881 at hotmail dot com
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Easter egg hunt.
We go to church, participate in the Easter Egg hunt afterwards and have a nice lunch. Thanks!
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commented on n old review, those race car tracks are awesome
I usually spend Easter weekend either at my Dad's or my Mom's...we switch every other weekend. At my Mom's, we go to grandma's and have a fun egg hunt, and go to church. With my dad, we just do the easter baskets.
thanks for the giveaway!
We always go on an Easter Egg Hunt with Grandpa and Grandma. :) My son was just telling me that they got to watch part of this DVD at church the other night. It looks so cute!!
funkyg18 *at* yahoo *dot* com
Okay, you KNOW how much of a VeggieTalian I am! I already "Like" them on facebook. I guess I could go tell them I heard about it their new DVD on here...but that wouldn't exactly be the truth. One of my favorite traditions on Easter, is the big Easter Egg Hunt at my parents' house, with all the little kiddos running around gathering plastic, candy-filled eggs.
We go on an Easter egg hunt.
rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com
go to church then home for easter dinner and egg dying crystletellerday@yahoo.com
We go to church, eat a family dinner and have a Easter Egg hunt.
I follow you on GFC(Linda G)
We always have an Easter egg hunt Easter Sunday morning, then head to church, which is followed by dinner with family :-)
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Church and easter ham!
thanks for entering me!
Janna Johnson
Easter egg hunt, and a delicious brunch
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Kimberly S.
We go to Sunrise Services on Easter.
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We dye eggs the day before easter and we have an easter egg hunt the morning of easter.
We always have an Easter egg hunt on Easter.
pkildow at gmail dot com
We always had an egg hunt! Then, we 3 sisters would take turns re-hiding the eggs and take turns finding them!
wilburnnewsome atyahoodotcom
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we decorate eggs together.
Easter egg hunt is something we always do :)
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My daughter is almost 2 so this Easter we plan on actually doing an Easter egg hunt. Growing up, we did an egg hunt for real eggs every year- many in the snow, and I still remember it :]
Honestly we really don't have any Easter family traditions. We do baskets (from us not the Easter Bunny), participate in egg hunts at school, and of course discuss the Easter story, but I don't know that we really have any traditions.
For easter we get up in the morning and I make crepes in easter colors for the family
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My family tradition for Easter is we dye Easter Eggs and have my kids go Easter Egg hunting and then after dinner we get a hard boiled egg and do Christ is Risen and Christ is Risen Indeed by hitting each others eggs against each other. Then we smash hallowed eggs with tissue paper in them on each other heads
follow on google friend connect Erin Cook
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We have a little white twig "Easter Tree" and each year I buy my kids an Easter ornament to go on it. They look forward to seeing what it will be. Thanks so much! pamelashockley(AT)netscape(DOT)net
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Thanks so much! pamelashockley(AT)netscape(DOT)net
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Church and family dinner.
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