Our family loves playing games, board games, card games, video games, outdoor games...you name it! We were happy to review the newest Hasbro card games, Monopoly Deal, and Scrabble Slam! We love the original Monopoly game, and the
Monopoly Deal is similar in many ways. You get 5 cards to start out the game, and you can lay your bank money down in front of you, and your properties that you are starting to acquire. I have realized it is a good thing to lay down money into your "bank" right away, because the other player can demand money from you, and you pay with whatever is laid down on the table. So, if you only have properties laid down, that is what you pay the opponent with. Each card has a cash value, and/or property/action to it. You can make others pay you money, by laying down the Debt Collector card, or "It's my birthday." The game can also take new twists, because you can be forced to change cards or properties with your opponents. Don't worry, though, you may have a card in your hand to tell them "NO!"
To win the game, you need to complete 3 sets of properties first. This game is a lot of fun, and my son and I played it over and over. Sometimes the game is quick, and sometimes it takes a little while. (Approximate Retail Price: $6.99; Recommended Age: 8 & up; Players: 2 to 6)
Another fun game to challenge your thinking is
Scrabble Slam. You and your opponent picks

a 4 letter word to use to start the game. Use four cards with those letters and lay them down. Then you deal out the rest of the cards to each player. You start the game by changing that four letter word with the cards in your hand. Each card has two letters on it, and you can see those letters in the corners of the cards. The first one to get rid of all their cards first wins. Very fun game, and definitely one to get your mind thinking. This is a great game for kids to work on their spelling, too! (Approximate Retail Price: $6.99; Recommended Age: 8 & up; Players: 2 to 4)
Other great card games that Hasbro just came out with are: Crazy Old Fish War, Littlest Pet Shop Go Fish, and Rook.
You can have a chance to win Monopoly Deal or Scrabble Slam! There will be six winners! Go to the
Hasbro site, and take a look at all the cool games and toys they have!Leave a comment about which of the two games you would like to win. This contest is open to those in the United States and will end on July 23rd, 2009. For extra chances you can: blog this contest, add my button to your site, subscribe to my blog, twitter and/or facebook this contest, and/or visit everyday and add another friendly comment. Lots of chances to win! Don't forget to put the extra comments for the "extra" work. Good luck!
1 – 200 of 213 Newer› Newest»I would love the TRIVIAL PURSUIT Videos and Scrabble! My kids love to play board games.
I subscribe to your feed.
I'd choose Boggle and Trivia Pursuit family edition. Thanks for the chance.
sweetascandy579 at yahoo dot com
Oh those look like lots of fun! I'd love a chance to win Monopoly Deal card game :)
I subscribe to your feed.
I want the SCRABBLE Brand Crossword Game PREMIER WOOD EDITION so bad! But of the two giveaways, I would choose the Scrabble Slam. Thanks!
I love all board games..so does my hubby. cant wait to win and choose.
i follow you
i have your button on my blog
OPERATION Skill Game -- Spider-Man Origins Edition
TRIVIAL PURSUIT FAMILY and PARTINI would be good for Family Game Nights.
I would go with Monopoly Deal. Always looking to add to the stock of available games for the twice-a-week family game night.
Trivial Pursuit Family and Cranium.
I'm a big fan of the Cranium games, so I would like Cranium WOW and Cranium Hullabaloo.
Partini and Scrabble!
I love Trivia Pursuit! And I would love to win Scrabble Slam.
Thank you for the giveaway :)
Either would be wonderful for the grandkids - and me - but I'd take Monopoly Deal if I had to choose.
Either would be great, but at the moment I'm leaning toward Scrabble Slam.
acm211 [at] gmail [dot] com
Yahtzee free for all looks like a fun game, and if I won I'd like the Scrabble Slam since it sounds fun and would be a great education tool to work on works and spelling and I love games that help the children in someway or another. Thanks for the chance!
unforgetable_dreamer_always [at] hotmail [dot] com
I'd love to win Scrabble Slam to play with my hubby when the kids are asleep. Yeah...we're nerdy like that.
treflea4 at gmail dot com
treflea4 at gmail dot com
I would adore that Scrabble Slam game! I just read about it on Amazon a couple days ago and thought what an awesome spelling game!
ajcmeyer AT go DOt com
Just twittered about it username stealsdeals
ajcmeyer AT go DOT com
OPERATION Skill Game/trivial pursuit
Monopoly Deal
We like playing Clue so need to buy another :)
I choose the Monopoly Deal
feed subsriber
love Clue and operation skill...loved those games as a kid...thanks for the great giveway
The two I loved growing up but never got to own were Operation and Life so I'd love to win those. I loved playing them at my friends' houses.
jlsemon at gmail dot com
Operation and Clue
I like ROSE PETAL Cottage for girls.thanks
i like the OPERATION Skill Game -- Spider-Man Origins Edition
Scrabble Slam looks like a blast!! Thanks for the chance.
We would love to win the Scrabble card game. Looking at the Hasbro page really brought back some memories. I really need to get a Mr. Potatohead now. Thanks for the giveaway.
I would like to win the Scrabble card game. From their website, the Taboo game looks fun, too!
sphinxcw at aol dot com
I would love to win Scrabble Slam. I think it would be great to help my son with spelling.
talonsmom731 at gmail dot com
I blogged: http://goyay.blogspot.com/2009/07/hasbro-card-games-giveaway.html
talonsmom731 at gmail dot com
I would love to win the Monopoly Deal card game! It sounds like a lot of fun!
khmorgan_00 [at] yahoo [dot] com
I subscribe.
khmorgan_00 [at] yahoo [dot] com
I tweeted: http://twitter.com/talonsmom731/statuses/2656875188
talonsmom731 at gmail dot com
Your button is in my sidebar.
khmorgan_00 [at] yahoo [dot] com
Boggle family edition and Monopoly Deal card game. Thanks.
I would like the scrabble slam and operation skill game
I'd choose Boggle and Scrabble Slam
I think we would love the scrabble slam game. It looks like a lot of fun.
feed subscriber
tweeted - http://twitter.com/phxbne/status/2657426502
Trivial Pursuit Family and Operation!
hockiemack at hotmail.com
I like the Tonka and Candyland Games.
I would love to win the Scrabble Slam! I've been really into scrabble lately and have been playing it a lot on pogo.com. Would be great to play a real game that's not electronic! Thanks for the chance!
The Scrabble Slam sounds like a lot of fun! Over on the site, the CandyLand Castle Game looks great too!
I have your button.
And subscribe. Thanks!
Ever since I saw the Commercial for Scrabble Slam i wanted it. It combinees the fun of scrabble with a twist... it would be great to take on the many road trips we take.
Partini and Scrabble Slam!
Thanks for entering me! Great Contest!
Janna Johnson
I would choose Scrabble Slam! Thanks!
I would like to win the scrabble slam game.
I would like LIFE because I have never played it, and Partini because I have played it and it is a blast!
I would pick Boggle and also the Trivial Pursuit videos. Thank you!
would love the MOnopoly Deal Card Game
dctm at bellsouth dot net
Ok..my daughter who just turned sseven like th Hannah Montana Mall Madness and Spongebob Monopoly.
TRIVIAL PURSUIT 25th ANNIVERSARY EDITION and MONOPOLY Property Trading Game from Parker Brothers: Here & Now Limited Edition are the two I would love to have.
Thanks for the great give away!! :)
I subscribe to your feed.
Cranium Party Playoff and Trivial Pursuit 25th Edition both look like a lot of fun!
Blogged: http://jessilyn82.blogspot.com/2009/07/head-over-to-sassyfrazz-to-enter-her.html
I subscribe via reader
I would love to own Operation and Scattergories! I have really fond memories of both as a kid! Thanks for the giveaway!
luckymegs1981 AT yahoo DOT com
OPERATION Skill Game & Spongebob Monopoly for my boys
thanks for sponsoring this.
follow blog
I follow on Twitter (osufanz
Hasbro has so many fun games! I would choose Monopoly Deal because my whole family is Monopoly fans!
smchester at gmail dot com
We have the new Crazy Old Fish war...it is fun! I would love to win the Monopoly one! Thanks for the chance, justicecw@hotmail.com
I tweeted at http://twitter.com/justicecw/status/2690046179
thanks, justicecw@hotmail.com
I would like to win battleship and connect 4
I would love Scrabble and Boggle!
The Taboo game and Rook!
I subscribe via Google Reader
I added your button to my sidebar button scroll
http://twitter.com/hondaray6/statuses/2706448310 twittered
I wouldn't mind winning the Family Trivia Pursuit or the Clue game!
I tweeted http://twitter.com/a49erfangirl/status/2706468945
I also follow your blog
hondaray6 at hotmail dot com
Great review! Thanks! We'd like to try any of the Trvial Pursuit games - Digital Choice and Family versions would be my 2 top picks. From your 2 I'd chose the Scrabble Slam. That should get the teens pumped up! ;-)
I would love to have Parcheesi and Aggravation. thanks.
I would love to win the Monopoly Deal game if I had to pick only one.
I would love to win the MONOPOLY Brand Electronic Banking Edition and the Scrabble Slam game
I would love Boggle and Monopoly Deal game.
I would love to win Monopoly [which I never win while playing] and Trivial Pursuit [which I usually do].
I retweeted for todays comment!
MONOPOLY Here & Now World Edition and clue would be his to have! I'm subscribing!!!
I would love to win the Monopoly game. We love Hasbro toys. Littlest Pet Shops are our favorite!
i have always wanted clue and the CRAZY OLD FISH WAR Card Game look kinda neat.
i blogged and linked
I grabbed your button
I love card games,MONOPOLY DEAL Card Game and MONOPOLY Here & Now World Edition,love these games!! Thanks
I gave away my board games during my last big movie, so Boggle and Cranium would be great classics to have on hand for rainy days.
I like scrabble slam the best. We also love playing boggle. Our family loves word games.
i want the monopoly game!
I would love Scrabble and Boggle!!
definitely scrabble and boggle! What a great contest - thanks for posting!
I like the scrabble and trivia pursuit.
Thank you for the chance
I'm visiting again to leave another friendly comment. ;)
Now that I'm older I pity my babysitters when I was little. All I ever wanted to do was play Monopoly!
Trivia Pursuit and Cranium are two of our favorite games.
I would like to win the Monopoly deal game
Crazy Old Fish war and Scrabble
Thanks for this contest! Our family loves to play games, esp card games.
I wonder with this contest if Hasbro would like some info on what I think of their site. For instance, I clicked "FAMILY" and the link was broken. It kind of makes it difficult to find family style games that way.
I would love to get the Magic the Gathering 9th edition Fat pack and Dungeons and dragons basic game.
Thanks so much for this contest!
I would love to win the monopoly game! Monopoly is our family's game! Gets us together!
Wow, there are alot of toys & games on the Hasbro site! I'd pick: 1) Monopoly Here & Now World Edition and 2) Sorry -SpongeBob Squarepants Edition.
Oooh, I'd like the Trivial Pursuit family ed. And of the 2 prizes it's tough, but I think we'd choose Scrabble Slam!
Thank you!
I'd really like to try Scrabble Slam, that looks like a lot of fun! Please enter me into your contest. I'm going to add your button to my blog too!
There. I added your button to your blog too. You'll have to tell me sometime how you get one of those.
Scrabble Slams looks great to play!
subscribed to your feed through google reader
I'd love Monopoly Deal!
I'd love to win Scrabble Slam.
I'd love the OPERATION Silly Skill Game & the PLAYSKOOL GAMES GATOR GOLF. Cute games! macd82 at gmail dot com
I would love the Scrabble Slam and Clue. Subscribe through google reader
I love OPERATION Skill Game and Life.
I would love to win the Scrabble Slam.
Scrabble Slam
melissa.barnes76 at yahoo dot com
I'd love Scrabble Slam! Thanks!!
I would love to have the Handy Manny Picture Find Game and the Hungry Hungry Hippo's...a great classic game! THANKS!
Monopoly Deal
Hasbro has amazing toys and games!
I'd like the Monopoly game if I were to win!
I would choose monopoly, but any game would be great to get my kids away from video games for a bit!
Subscribed ... skyskyaa11(at)gmail.com
I would lovwe to win the scrabble.
I tweeted- http://twitter.com/checkkers/status/2782707398
I love Hasbro games! I would love to win the Scrabble Slam! game.
I grabbed your button.
subscribed in google reader.
On their site I like the Connect Four travel game and of the two games you're offering I'd like the Scrabble Slam!
I would love to win the scrabble slam. I home school my daughter and we are always looking for fun ways to learn spelling and reading what a great giveaway. We also love hasbros littlest petshop monopoly my daughter makes me play with her often.
I've always wanted Cranium, and I'd choose Trivial Pursuit Family from the website also. Thanks for the giveaway.
eswright18 at gmail dot com
I have always been a big fan of the original Scrabble, I would love to win the Scrabble Slam game!
wordsmoveme at gmail dot com
I subscribe to your blog via google reader!
wordsmoveme at gmail dot com
Trivial Pursuit is my fave.
diane Baum
Scrabble Slam game
i would love monopoly and operation
i subscribed to your blog
Hasbro has so many great games! The Trivial Pursuit Family would be a great addition to our game closet. I would love to win the Scrabble Slam for my kids as they are working very hard at learning to spell new words.
I subscribe via Google Reader. Thanks!
Would love to play scrabble with my nephew - 7/22 friendly comment!
Trivial Pursuit and Scrabble would be my picks.
I'd love the Cranium WOW and Boggle! Thanks for a great giveaway!
Trivial Pursuit is my absolute fave! I would love to win the Scrabble Slam! Thanks for the chance!
sherri419 at gmail dot com
I'd love to win the Monopoly Deal and I also like the Spongebob Squarepants Monopoly! lol
tweet! http://twitter.com/mannabsn/status/2790503236
The Hasbro site has really great games. I think that my family would also like the Trivial Pursuit Family Edition. I really like both of the games being offered in the contest and would be happy with either one, but if I needed to pick, I guess I'd pick the Scrabble Slam. Thank you for the great contest.
I love Trivial Pursuit, but of these two I'd love to win Monopoly Deal. It was advertised a lot on TV and I'm dying to try it!
Boogle is one of or favorite games. I would love to win the Monopoly Deal game. Thanks for the chance to win!
I would love to win the Scrabble Slam game, I love playing games with family and friends. They have a lot of cool games on their site also. Thanks!
pjgirl74 at aol dot com
Scrabble Slam & Trivial Pursuit Family :)
Either game looks fun, but I think I would prefer Scrabble Slam because I love word games. vidomich(at)yahoo(dot)com
would love cranium and scrabble
I would love 2 have the Monopoly. Always my fav game!
Great games. I'd like Scrabble Slam.
i would love to have the monopoly and the scrabble. my daughter has just discovered scrabble and we are playing it everynite this week,,
i am a subscriber
twitter friend hotmommatrish2
I love to play games, especially word games. I'd love to try that Scrabble Slam! Thanks for the chance to win!
To be honest, I like any game and would love to win both the Monopoly and Scrabble games. I've been looking for both these cards games, but have had not luck. Even as an adult, I still love playing board/card games!
We love games. A couple that shout out to me are Pictureka and Trivial Pursuit Family.
Pictureka and ANTS IN THE SQUARE PANTS SpongeBob SquarePants Game!
My kids love boggle and I'd love the Scrabble Slam game.
My kids would like the Monopoly Deal card and the Scrabble Slam game.
Littlest Pet Shop Go Fish for the kids & Scrabble Slam For us adults!
tweeted http://twitter.com/hondaray6/status/2800367086
My household consists of scrabble fans so I would choose Scrabble Slam.
I would love to win the Monopoly Deal. Thanks for the giveaway.
I would choose trivia pursuit totally 80's and the trivia pursuit pop culture.
We are scrabble fanatics...so would love to win the scrabble game.
they have such great games i would love the Scrabble Slam :)
we really love some scrabble around here, that's the one we want to get!
Scrabble Slam sounds like fun!
i shared on facebook
i am Tony L Smoaks over there, i think my username is smoaks
i follow your blog
I would like to win Scrabble Slam. On Hasbro I love the Hannah Montana Mall Madness Game!
trivial pursuit family, trivial pursuit totally 80's
I would love to play the MONOPOLY Here & Now World Edition and TRIVIAL PURSUIT Totally 80s Edition Game. Of the 2 from the giveaway I would love to win Scrabble Slam!
Well our family LOVES Clue and I have never tried the Accusations and Alibis. Also Trivial Pursuit Pop Culture looks fun.
cranium and scrabble
My granddaughter loves board games. I would love to win Monopoly Deal. garrettsambo@aol.com
Please enter me into the contest for Scrabble Slam. Thanks!
MONOPOLY DEAL Card Game & Scrabble Slam
Love cards from Rook to Poker; who cares!!!!!!!!!Many Thanks SW raymondw345@AOl.com
I would like Yahtzee Free For All and clue. AztecFeller@aol.com
My kids love to play Monopoly more than most other games. I, on the other hand, love Scrabble. Scrabble Slam sounds like a hoot.
kneecree at gmail dot com
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