The Time Out Pad is an electronic based pad that is used to have kids take the "time out" on a specialized spot. That's why I like that I can take this with me everywhere. The pad has a timer in it, that you can adjust the settings to fit an appropriate time for your child to sit quietly. The suggested time that the Time Out Pad offers is one minute for each year of the child's age.
If the child gets up before the end of the programmed time, an alarm sounds to alert the parent or caregiver, and the countdown will pause until the child sits back down. I think that is cleaver! There are three lights on the Time Out Pad: Red (time out is in progress), Yellow (the time out has only 1 minute left) and Green (time out is complete). When the time out is complete, a special tune will play, and this will let you child know that they "served their time." It is important to reassure your child that you love them, and give them a hug. Ask them if they know why they were on time out. Let them know their behavior was inappropriate, and let them know that they should not do it again. It is good for your child to apologize for their behavior, too.
I have had my 3 year old use his Time Out Pad, and I can attest it is a super product!
You can get your Time Out Pad at many retailers for $ 34.99. A great investment into positive discipline.
About Keen Distribution A Great company that strives to bring the hottest products for Moms and Dads. They have a discerning eye for innovation, style, and function. They offer affordable, high-quality products from a variety of manufacturers. Besides the super Time Out Pad, they also have the Grobag safe sleep system, and the The Mommy Hook.
This sounds like a REALLY good idea. My kids would never stay in a corner, or in their room or whatever. They would fight me longer than I was intending for them to be in time-out anyway!
I really want to try it out, too. I think it sounds like a fantastic product for a couple of reasons. 1. the kids get to know how long and when they are done, and 2. I can't forget and leave them in time out for hours, hehe.
What a great idea! My little one always tries to sneak off during time outs. I'll definitely have to check this out!
What - no giveaway - I need TWO of them because they both are on timeouts at the same time!!!
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