When Terry or I put her to bed at night, we usually sit in the rocking chair with her and rock her just a bit. She has to hold on to us, and hug us close. Sometimes she pulls me down to her in a hug while we rock. Terry told me last night that she gets upset sometimes if he isn't looking down at her. She will grab his face and direct it to her face. I know she has done this to me, too, but I didn't really think about it much. She is very much a personal touch little person. She also loves to sing! When I was practicing with the practice cd and tape for learning the songs for our Sweet Adelines performance (see here) I usually played the tape in the car while we drove. I could hear Madelyn singing her little heart out, trying to match my voice. So very cute!!
She likes to pray along with us at meal time, too. Whomever is saying the prayer, Madelyn bows her head, puts her hands in front of her face, and says a prayer right along with whomever is praying~ usually Caleb. Caleb is really loving leading us all in prayer. It is so sweet! I love hearing the prayers of my children!
Hi Sarah,
I am doing okay...I came down with the horrible stomach flu on Tuesday night and havent had energy to even come online. I am doing somewhat better, but it has really kicked energy and all else out of me! Thank you for asking!!
This is a sweet post, Maddie sounds like a precious little girl!!
I love that picture with the Christmas lights - so fun...she IS so sweet! And, yes, she will seem big compare to your little one...there is more of an age gap between Charlie and Kassie but he looks so grown up now...I don't like it!
I can't imagine Maddie looking big. Can't do it. I bet the baby will be bigger than she is pretty quickly, lol.
I agree with Qtpies! Maddie is such a tiny thing, it's very hard to imagine her looking big! I guess it depends on how big the newest Harvey child is. I have 2 kids that are only 15 mos. apart, (Jess and Joel). By the time they were 1 and 2, they weighed exactly the same, and not far apart in height either. Everyone always asked if they were twins!
Entirely too cute!
She is a little doll. I'm finding myself more and more sentimental over my own little guy lately. Kids are just so dang precious.
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