He checked a few locations to see what may be making my computer run slower. He checked my desktop, and cleaned up my start menu allowing only needed programs that are necessary start when the computer turns on. You would not believe how many programs start up in the back ground even though you are not running them!
After Jesse helped me clean-up my computer, he said I have a Norton Report Card center that I can go to and check up on my computer. Over all, it was a nice experience and I learned a lot about my computer. I think everyone can use a tune-up on their computer, especially if you are an avid blogger. Lucky for you SassyFrazz readers, I have 3 Gift Cards for a Norton PC Tune-Up Service (a $69.99 value)! The give away is open until Decmber 19th, at 7:00 PM. To get your first entry, tell me something you appreciate about the online world. You may come back each day and enter (again) after you do the first rule, just leave a comment about what is one of your favorite websites. Click here to see how you can earn extra credits to win, and click here to see guidelines and the official rules.
This contest is open to everyone; however, if you are in another country, I will not mail the card, I will email you the phone number and promotion code. You need to be able to dial an 877 phone number. I am not responsible for any phone fees you might incur. Just be sure to leave your e-mail address in your comments.
I appreciate being able to keep in touch with my family, because we all live far apart. I also enjoy blogging :) Thanks!
I have been really trying to clean up the computer this year and would love to win this -- as long as they work with Macs, that is ;).
There are a lot of great things about online. I appreciate how well blogs and sites like couponmom.com help me match up coupons and sales for saving so much money on groceries!
I subscribe to your feed!
I LOVE Skype and being able to blog.
It's always there when you need it. You might not want to try and find a physical store to Christmas shop at 4am but you can always go online. Or to your favorite sites.
I appreciate being able to do my shopping at home. I hate the mall. Thanks for the giveaway!
I posted on my blog: http://wutgives.blogspot.com/2008/12/sassyfrazz-norton-pc-tune-up-service.html
I subscribed to your feed.
can visit anytime
Sure couldn't live without email nowadays! Love to have the Norton tuneup.
How i can use it to answer my kids' million questions.
I like the flexibility of responding on my timetable instead of being captive to a phone call.
I like the fact that you can instant message and also text from computer to black berry.
I like having the all the information I want at my fingertips. I am a college student and being able to do all my classes online from my local college is so convenient, especially having two kids and worrying about daycare.
i love skype
using email alot but computer is getting slow mrs.mommyyatgmaildotcom
subscriber mrs.mommyyatgmaildotcom
Secret message.
I like being able to enter sweepstakes without licking stamps.
The opportunity of enter a great contest like this is my favorite part of the computer/internet world. Please accept my entry. Thank you.
I like being able to read people's blogs and posts, and seeing how others see the world. And like others have mentioned, entering contests like this is totally cool too.
I love that the internet allows me to enter wonderful contests like this one.
E-mail makes my life so much simpler :)
ktgonyea at gmail.com
the knowledge at your fingertips
My favorite website is Yahoo.com. It's got it all, and it's all free. Thanks for the giveaway!
I like the internet because I know how to type and it's actually faster to reach me online than by phone---well, pretty much faster.
I like the instant connections to other parts of the world.
I love everything about the online world
I enjoy email and having so much information at my fingertips, thanks and happy holidays, titanicluck at gmail dot com
One of my favorite websites is cnet.
Surfing the web is one of the things I enjoy most about online.
I am addicted to the internet. One of the things that I appreciate most about the online world is that if you look hard enough you can find a tutorial on how to do just about anything.
I blogged about this giveaway.
i subscribe to your feed.
I have your button on my sidebarhttp://thebestthingsinlifegiveaways.blogspot.com/2008/12/saturdays-featured-giveaway-blog.html
Another favorite is google.com.
Very neat service. We have Symantec Anti-Virus, and it works great. We could definitely use a tune-up. Thanks for the chance.
I love that I can get in touch with old friends and rekindle the connections.
lizames2003 (at) yahoo.com
I can keep in contact with my family (all over the globe) and see up-to-date pictures of my grand-childre.
One of my favorite sites to go to is pogo.com
Oh, I do need this! My computer has recently slowed and I don't know how to speed it back up. I love the internet for many reasons - reading blogs, playing games of all types and myspacing with friends from all over!
I like online shopping & celebrity gossip blogs are my guilty pleasure.
Another favorite website is YouTube.com.
It's a semi-safe addiction?
One of my favorites websites is allrecipes.com
I have met so many wonderful people from all around the globe, of which would be completely impossible if it were not for the internet. It has truly been a blessing in my life.
My fav site is myspace because I get to keep up with family and friends.
www.craigslist.com is a favorite
Another favorite is Amazon.com
I love to browse through Etsy.com
Love craigslist.com
ktgonyea at gmail.com
I like that I can get a call or a text on my phone from a computer.
My parents, many of my cousins, my inlaws, several friends all live in a country thousands of miles away. The internet is what makes me feel closer to them every single day. It is not something I take for granted.
bvbabybv at gmail.com
I subscribe to your feed.
bvbabybv at gmail.com
Really great contest. This is something that everyone needs. Thank you.
One of my favorite websites: www.catsthatlooklikehitler.com.
Christina - xristya@rock.com - Sincerely, one thing I really appreciate about the online-world is being able to enter contests like this one, or sweepstakes - the smaller contests make me aware of products and people I would never otherwise encounter, and the larger sweepstakes are, of course, fun, and made easier by using Autofill!
Being able to send pics across country to family & friends in a matter of seconds is the greatest invention since the microwave oven!
I use Yahoo.com a lot for mail and news.
I love having so much info at my fingertips!!
Im also a subscriber!!
What a great giveaway!
Being a SAHM I like the online world as it gives me a connection to the outside world. If I didn't have it I think I would go stir crazy.
I love being able to connect with people around the world with my same interests!
I appreciate that I can relocate old friends.
Jennifer, jennem22 at yahoo dot com
I love that I don't have to drive to my busy mall, try to find a place to park, wait in line with tons of other shoppers to pay during this holiday season. For the first time, I did all my Christmas shopping on-line while having a cup of tea. It was pure heaven. I just adore the internet!
My computer has had so much downtime of late,it's become nothing more than a huge paperweight;If you will restore its functions with Norton,maybe I'll get to do somethin' importan'!!!
I love talking to others and playing sweeps.
spoofee.com is a great website for freebies and deals.
I can keep in touch with people at the click of a mouse
One of my favorite sites-eBay.com
Really need protection for my lap top. Please enter me, thank you
I appreciate way too much about the cyberworld to list in one comment. For brevity, I'll just say I appreciate the connection it gives me with practically everything I need. Shopping, research fun.
I feel connected to the world when I'm online.
i love being able to stay connected to my family. trinitygsd at yahoo dot com
Skype is great for communicating while traveling.
I like www.zabasearch.com to look for long lost friends.
another great website is slickdeals.net. Lots of deals listed.
I like to use the internet in place of the phone book. whitepages dot com is the site. I also do google maps so I can route my drive before I drive.
I would hate to see the internet not be free anymore. Or restricted by government regulations.
I enjoy the ability to quickly send an email and the information available from anywhere in the world.
The online world is a universal reference set at my fingertips. I hear a word I don't know; I look it up. If there's a news bite I want to know more about, just log on. I can learn just about anything in minutes. Fantastic, really, when you think about it.
I subscribe.
I live very far from my family and my inlaws and it helps me keep in touch with all of them in an easy manner.
Almost forgot! I appreciate online shopping!!
I love being in contact with my family and friends that I don't get to see everyday...it is a really huge help.
I appreciate the wealth of information and the speed of finding things out.
im addicted to entering contests it is so much fun :)
Anything you want to know about, you can find information about on the internet. And I've even found myself getting absorbed in some subjects I didn't know I wanted to know about. AztecFeller@aol.com
all the information I want at my fingertips.
I appreciate how much useful information is available online.
I love blogs.
I am a subscriber.
I put your button on my blog.
sure could use this! ty 4 the entry!
I sure sould use this
Cool, free e-cards for cat lovers.
Good post, nice blog. Thanks for share useful information.
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