Cole has just recently realized that the doors in the kitchen open up, and he loves to open and shut them over and over. He really enjoys hanging out where ever we are.
Cole loves to pet our dog, and he does the sign for dog. I am not sure if he realizes he is signing, or not, but it is still cute. Cole loves to eat table food, and we are loving our Food Mill to grind up his food. He loves snacking on Cheerios and cheese, and pears are one of his favorite fruits.
Cole loves to be held, cuddled, kissed and snuggled. He is still nursing, but lately he has been experimenting the chew-motion with his two new bottom teeth. Momma isn't very fond of that. So, he had better stop while he is ahead, and wants to keep a good thing (a.k.a. nursing), or we will have to find an alternative.
Cole tries his best to keep up with the other three kids. He is quick, and I don't think it will be long before he is running right along with them. He is a very happy baby, and I just am overwhelmed with love for him. Happy 9 month to you, Cole!
Woo hoo~ check out the photo of Madelyn smiling! It can be challenging getting a photo of her with her genuine smile. Many times she is posing her cheesy grin, or has a mellow look.
I love this photo! She is my princess....and I am just filled to the rim in love with my little dolly! Caleb is getting so tall. He is such a handsome little guy! He is doing pre-school home school this year. We do what we can. I am reading a lot to the kids, and we are learning how to use the scissors right now. Caleb loves to cut things out. He does very well on his colors, shapes, what is different/same, and his counting. He loves pre-school. I am just so loving my sweet, comical, and caring Caleb!
Here is an inside family photo of our family. I am so thankful for my husband and children.
Here are my four beautiful children. Getting a photo of multiple children can be a challenge. I love this one, because of Madelyn's sweet pose. What a little honey!
Here are Nathaniel's (home school) yearly photos for fifth grade. He is such a handsome guy!
I can't believe he is going to be 11 years old this week! I can't believe I have been a mom that long either! He is so precious, and I am so blessed to be chosen for his mom. Nathaniel you are such a great son! You are the twinkle in my eye, and you bring so much joy to me. I love that you are so generous, thoughtful, giving, and loving. You are intuitive, and usually know when I would love a hug, need a kind word, and more. Thank you for being such a great son, and for being who you are! I thank my God for you! Nathaniel~ means gift from God, and that is exactly what you are!
Happy eleventh birthday Nathaniel! I am so proud of you~
Here are some more photos of the kids:
Cole was giving his "funny face," were he gets really excited and makes a surprise look. It is way adorable!
Here is another snap shot of his funny face. I think it is too cute!
Here is an outside family photo. I still am amazed how our family has grown and changed in the five (plus) years that I have been married. I am so beyond blessed with a wonderful, caring, and loving husband...four beautiful, healthy, fun-loving children, and a lake-home roof over our head. God is good~ all the time. I take my blessings for granted too often, and I owe God all the credit for all I have. Thank you Jesus!
I am currently cancer-free, and I am so thankful for that! Home school is going. I am struggling some, but I know that we will get through it. If you have any suggestions, or helpful ideas...shoot me an e-mail, or leave a comment. We have been busy getting the outdoors ready for winter. Terry has been getting a ton of wood cut, and will be splitting/stacking it for next winter. We had to buy a new furnace this year (unfortunately $$-wise) but we needed it. Work has been a bit on the slower side for Terry, but we are thankful for a job with benefits.
I want to thank my wonderful mother-in-law for taking all of these photos! You are the best mom-in-law ever! I am so thankful for you, and for raising such a great man! I love you!
I will try to keep up with the posting, but things get so busy around here. I don't get much time to get on the computer as I would like. I hope all of you are well, and that the Lord is blessing you.
Your children are adorable! I love the family photos. They turned out so well! It sounds like you're very blessed!
You have a beautiful family. I wish I would get out and take more photos of my family. God has blessed me with some truly gorgeous children, much more beautiful than I. Thanks for sharing.
What great fall pictures of your family! You have a beautiful family! :-)
Such GREAT pics!! You have such a beautiful family!;0) Been praying for you and I am so thankful that you are cancer free, what a praise!
What darling pictures Sarah!! I LOVE all the family ones and I LOVE LOVE LOVE that one of Maddie and her cute little lips and pose!! Its so fun to hear about each child, you are such a wonderful mom, Sarah, God has blessed you richly!!♥
Awesome pictures, Sarah! Thanks for sharing them. You really have been blessed with a wonderful family!!
Those are beautiful photos! I need to get ours taken soon, so they're ready for Christmas card season. :)
What great pictures! I love the first one of Nathanial sitting by the lake.
You have a beautiful family!!!
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